Fund-raising requirement for Avoca Hockey Club.
Dear members,
We’re writing to you today to highlight the need for funding around the resurfacing of our pitch as we move forward in our relationship with Newpark Comprehensive. The Newpark Pitch was last updated nearly 20 years ago now and is in urgent need of a resurface, it had been scheduled to be resurfaced in the last two years but of course COVID had an impact with this plan. The club has carried out several maintenance jobs in the meantime to keep the pitch playable recently ordering an extensive cleaning job over the Christmas period just gone. You can see quite clearly how much debris has been collected in the surface from the photos below.

Avoca in conjunction with Newpark Comprehensive have succeeded in securing generous sports capital grants and we now need to work together to raise the funding not covered by grants.
The club is asking you the members for your support in this resurfacing effort and has several avenues for you to help –
- Regular or one-off donations: No amount is too small! The club can offer tax credits in return for personal donations toward the resurfacing of the pitch.
- Hoarding Sponsorship: You may have observed the removing of our Newpark Pitch advertisement boards (known as hoardings) over the last couple of months as we look for new hoarding sponsors. The club would love to speak to any business owners or members whose companies would consider sponsoring a hoarding.
- Jersey Sponsorship: The club has numerous teams across multiple age levels, and we would welcome partnership opportunities with you or your company.
The club has established a fund-raising subcommittee to help with the club’s impending funding requirements and would welcome the time and help of any members with fund raising experience.
If you can help Avoca Hockey Club with any of the above, please reach out the club’s development officer Leo Sex at: Leopoldsex@gmail.com or PH: 0871130938