Avoca HC EGM Registration Deadline

The deadline for registering for our EGM is on Friday 7th January with the EGM being held on Monday 10th January at 7.45pm.

The Board of Avoca Hockey Club CLG made a decision at a Board meeting held on 22nd November 2021 to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Company (Club) on 10th January 2022 at 7.45 pm. The EGM will be held by zoom. Please email the Club Secretary to register to attend. Registration will close on 7th January at midnight. All members are entitled to attend but only those with voting rights may vote.

The EGM is being held to ask members to vote to replace the current operative Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&A’s) of the Club (Exhibit A) with a proposed M&A’s (Exhibit B). 75% of voting members present must approve this change for it to come into effect. The background to this proposed change and a summary of the changes proposed and their effect is set out in the attached briefing note (Exhibit C).

Should the members vote to adopt the proposed M&A’s then the members will be asked at the EGM to elect two Foundation Directors and to elect a Club Chairperson. Any adult member may be elected to these roles. The names of nominees for Foundation Directors and Chairperson that have been received by the Club Secretary by midnight on 7th January will be circulated to prior to EGM. Nominees must be proposed and seconded by Club members eligible to vote and in attendance at the EGM for their names to put to Club members for election.

Following the Annual General Meeting the Club sought advice on the voting of rights of current members under the operative M&A’s. The Club’s Solicitors, Mason Hays Curran, advise that Full, Student (over 18), Vet, Life, Social and Non-Playing members are eligible to vote if they have paid their subscription as set by the Board inc if its zero as in the case of Life members.

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