Sport Ireland Questionnaire

Sport Ireland are currently undertaking a review of the Coaching Development Programme for Ireland to ensure that it remains relevant to the needs of coaches, instructors and leaders and the players, athletes and participants they engage with.  As part of the review, we have engaged Humphrey Murphy from Irish Leisure Consultants to set up and run a stakeholder consultation process.  We are now looking for your assistance in this process.

It is important that we get as many responses from as wide a cross section of people as possible. Details are on the Sport Ireland Website at this link

The questionnaire will remain open until Tuesday 7th April.

Consultation on the dlr County Development Plan 2022-2028

The start of 2020 welcomes Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) embarking on the process of reviewing the current Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Development Plan, 2016-2022, and preparing a new County Development Plan (CDP) 2022 – 2028.

It is important that residents, the business community, community groups,  interested parties and other stakeholders of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown become involved in the preparation of the next County Development Plan at an early stage.  

To this end the Pre-Draft Consultation document “Have your Say” has been prepared. This document gives a broad overview of the main development issues impacting on the County to help stimulate public debate on what matters should be considered in the new Plan. Please see copy of the document attached or click here for the online copy

The Pre-Draft consultation process will run for eight weeks from Friday 3rd January 2020 to Friday 28th February 2020, and will include six Open Days at which the Development Plan Team will be available to provide advice and respond to any queries from the general public. For more information about the dates and locations of the Open days, please click here.